Jia Ahluwalia |
28th Delhi State ITF Taekwon-Do Championship 2016 |
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Gold Medal |
Jia Ahluwalia of IIA from Presidium Gurgaon has a won Gold Medal at the 28th Delhi State ITF Taekwon-Do Championship 2016.Congratulations!

Pragya Nath |
Taekwondo I.T.F.national Competition , Ahemdabad Gujrat |
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Gold Medal |
Our budding champion Pragya Nath of 4 -C from Presidium Gurgaon has won a Gold Medal in Taekwondo I.T.F.national Competition at Ahemdabad, Gujrat.Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there dear Pragya!

Tushar Goyal |
Nationa Futsal 22nd Junior National Futsal Championship 2016, Futsal Boys U-17 & 19 |
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Gold Medal |
Tushar Goyal of Grade 11 from Presidium Gurgaon has won a Gold medal at the Junior National Futsal Championship 2016, Futsal Boys U-17 & 19 .Well done Tushar!